Monday, June 26, 2017

Help Our Community Thrive -- Join The Volunteer Team For The Kaneohe Neighborhood Board

Times are changing for the Kaneohe Neighborhood Board, but one thing remains the same: We welcome volunteers.

The changing times involve the end of the current two-year Board term and the departure of some of our valued colleagues.

The term ends June 30, and we will be saying goodbye to the following Board members:
Warren Ditch – At Large
Felipe San Nicolas – At Large
Marie Gavigan – Sub-District 1, Ali’I Landing/Ali’I Shores
Holly Sevier – Sub-District 3, Haiku Village/Plantations
Stuart Saito – Sub-District 4, Keahala

With the beginning of the 2017-19 Board term on July 1, we will welcome two new Board members:
            Daniel Kaanana – At Large
            Lora Burbage -- Sub-District 4, Keahala

Daniel, Lora and our departing Board colleagues are all volunteers. They give their time to help keep our community the amazing place that it is. And you can help, too.

For example, five Board seats had no candidates in the recent election and will be unfilled when the new Board term begins. The sub-districts are:
Sub-District 1 -- Ali’I Landing/Ali’I Shores
Sub-District 2 -- Crown Terrace
Sub-District 3 -- Haiku Village/Plantations
Sub-District 5 -- Lilipuna/Kahanahou
Sub-District 6 -- Waikalua

The recently elected Board members will be authorized to fill those seats by appointment after their terms begin.

If serving on the Board isn’t your thing, then please consider helping out on one of the Board’s committees. We currently have three special committees and 13 standing committees. 

As an example of the volunteer opportunities they offer, consider this announcement from the Community Engagement Committee:
The Community Engagement Committee of the Kaneohe Neighborhood Board is seeking a communications volunteer. This person will coordinate with the committee to develop content for the Board’s blog, Facebook page and news media. The volunteer also will meet with other committee members on a regular basis to plan communication messages, strategies and new directions for the Board’s community engagement work. Contact Bill Sager at 808-375-1114.

Or, maybe one of the committees below will appeal more:

SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Haiku Stairs Special Task Force, Emergency Management Planning Committee, State Legislative Monitoring Committee.

STANDING COMMITTEES: State Legislature Committee, City and County Ordinance Committee, Public Health and Safety Committee, Safety Committee, Planning Committee, Transportation Committee, Education Committee, Environmental Committee, Windward Civilian/Military Committee, OMPO Citizen Advisory Committee, Kaneohe Bay Regional Council, Homelessness Committee, Hawaii State Hospital.

To learn more about opportunities for volunteers, contact our current Board Chairman, Mo Radke, or attend a Board meeting. We meet at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month in the cafeteria of Benjamin Parker Elementary School, 45-259 Waikalua Road.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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