KNHB Meeting July 29, 2017
These are unofficial notes about discussions at the Kaneohe Neighborhood Board Meeting.
Board. 10
Public. 118
Board. 10
Public. 118
Officers Appointed
Chair. Mo
Vice Chair Sager
Sec. Jon Hanks
Vice Chair Sager
Sec. Jon Hanks
Treas. Jeremiah Sander
Volunteered and were appointed to the Board.
Haiku. Holly Sevier
Haiku. Holly Sevier
lilipuna Brandy Berklie
HFD says prep for hurricane season.
Plan to shelter in place or with friends. Red Cross has limited shelter availablility. Have supplies (food, water, meds) for two weeks) If going to shelter, take what you need for 3 days.
85. Asked cost of haiku rescue
Doesn't know
Doesn't know
HPD Lt yu.
June Report
Haiku Community. Trespass by Haiku Stairs trespassers continues to be a problem. Neighborhood Watch is trying to bring trespassers to court. One trespasser was shot with Pellet gun and someone attempted use their car to run over with hiker.
Tosh Ostro, "we have over 100 trespassers every week pass through my yard.
Mo asked about need for cop to see trespasser and asked if property owner rights and trespass arrest procedures could be posted online about the law.
Katrina Marina, "I call cops all the time."
Tosh Ostro, "people making money driving hikers to neighborhood. Can they be arrested for facilitating a crime.
Marine Corp Base Hawaii
Kmac pilot was tazed and temporarily blinded. Serious accident was averted.
Visiting f18, expect noise. More details
Tradewind triathalon for Keiki and for adult. For more information
Board Business:
Meeting time the same
No recess, Christmas potluck
should we contract with Olelo to video tape our meetings or use the funds for an annual news letter? No to taping meetings. Follow up on newsletter.
3 minute rule for community concerns will be continued. Guideline for presentation 15 minutes presentation 15 minutes Q&A
Resident and community concerns
Citizen asked if separate meeting for big issues can happen.
Haiku Stairs task force is such a group. Says Mo
Haiku Stairs task force was organized by Councilman Anderson and is not a KNB Project although Chair Radke represents KNB on that Committee.
The sound system wasn't working which made communication with a room full of 120 people difficult.
Mahealani asked Neighborhood Assistent to test the sound system before bringing it to the meeting to make sure sound system works.
Travis Counsell, 36th Annual Honolulu century ride coming 9/24 will be passing through Kaneohe from 9-12pm. Police will be directing traffic. For more information:
Lisa pang please changes vote for haiku Stairs. Objects to Board support for managed access.
Janice Lai announce that Kaneohe will hold our Christmas Parade on the 1st Saturday of December.
For Hawaiians, cheap spay and neuter. $5 for cats, $20 for dogs.
Sager, noted citizen concern that albizia trees may fall on Pali, Like Like and H3 during a wind storm and may block traffic between town and Windward Oahu, requests danger tree survey by arborist or professional forester with a report on necessary action recommendations.
Public Officials
Rod Becker, govs rep
Resurface Pali, and installation of improved lighting.
Information Mtg to be held on 7/26 at 6:30 Nuuanu Elem School.
Lori Kahikina, C&C
Phillis Jones issue, no permit for road has been issued. One will be need one.
Laura, bm, asked about criteria for repaying private roads by the county. To qualify, a private road must have at least six tmks and must be open for public use.
How is road repair being prioritized. City is working on roads not starting to deteriorate. By sealing a cracking surface, major repair expense can be avoided. Badly deteriorated road are being addressed in another funding program.
A citizen asked when Waikalua road paving will be complete?
Citizen complained the C&C tore out old fence on Keneke Way and asked when will repairs be made?
Councilman Anderson
Reported that the Environmental Assesment for the Wong residence was rejected and fines continue.
Sen. Tokuda.
Has been assigned Chair of Labor Committee.
Laura asked if there will be special session. Jill, Don't know yet
Can't say how long a special session will last.
Nancy asked, "if someone wants to introduce legislation when should the start promoting it." Jill Tokuda: no time like the present. It is best to introduce yourself to legislators during the interem because that is when you have time to get acquainted and strategize. Visit your legislators now and often.
Ken Ito, Special session, no clue
Deb asked about homeless funding for Windward side, how does State give funds.
She is concerned with lack of service providers on Windward side
Ito response, we have a statewide coordinator, ask the govs rep.
Windward Hoolaulea, Windward Oahu's biggest community celebration is 10/7 at WCC Any vendor who wants a booth should go to htts:// and apply.
Bluezone Brandy gave overview of Blue Zone Project and announced a big get together at the Windward Mall July 28th starting at 6pm.
Ray Cabrera ask the Board to support restricted night time parking in the Haiku community to help minimize parking for trespassers. Recommends a system similar to that implemented in Kalihi. Board to request report from DOT
Mahealani expressed concern about restrictinge parking on public street.
Deb asked, "If police cant control trespassing can, they control parking.
Donald Dawson replied, "It is easy to ticket cars,"
Laura makes motion to ask dot to explore restricted parking, 9 for, 2 abstentions motion passes.
Scheduled Business
Hawaii Memorial Park Expansion
Grading and drainage questions. Community expressed concern that they would be subject to mud flows during heavy rain.
HMP has 830 signatures, and 1800 letters of support for the project.
Community has over 1000 signatures in opposition.
The first stem is to ask the City Council for a zone change, the request the Land Use Commission to approve cemetary use. An EIS will be required. The EIS process provides another opportunity for public input.
Drainage, HMP created a drainage plan. Implementation of the plan will Result in a nineteen percent reduction in run off from a ten year storm. The HMP project will be designed to contain a 100 yr storm with a rainfall rate of 4.63inch per hour.
Plan conformed to city's new Best Management Practices that go into effect in three weeks.
Sediment basins will collect and retain runoff. Basins will prevent storm water from flowing off the property during peak runoff. Containment features are designed to drain within 48 hours. Any overflow will be piped into the C&C sewer system.
Sager uncomfortable making a final decision before EIS is available.
Ezer responded, "We're asking for you to support the concept, so we can go on to the next step."
Sager, can we reword this to reflect what you just said but consultant offered no help in doing so.
Sager, asked by mo to introduce the motion, Bill reluctant to do so as written.
Reso is distributed and read by Mo.
Sager moves to change wording to "with the understanding that the final decision on the project will depend on an evaluation of the EIS."
Mo asked when EIS comes out
Not tilL next year after approval by City Council, ETA late first quarter 2018.
Bill concerned that approving the reso will facilitate move community growth boundary.
Watson, this is not final,
Mahealani proposes amendment to Bill's amendments.
Vote on amendments to reso does not pass, 5 abstentions
Mahealani proposes amendment to Bill's amendments.
Vote on amendments to reso does not pass, 5 abstentions
Lauri asks what's impact if vote is no?
Scott Ezer replies that he does not know if there will be an impact.
Sager moves to table reso until review of EIS
Mahealani against Sager's motion, concerned it's not fair to HMP. We've put them off since 2007.
Mo has something to say, "I heard the residents who spoke against the plan. The fact that HMP heard from the community, and revised the plan to what you see know. a business I have to say thank you to HMP because not a lot of businesses would do that."
Mo Asked grant to speak.
Grant, spoke about rare Black Damsel fly on the property, about concerns over excessive grading, visual impacts and potential flooding.
Numerous community objections:
1000 signatures against expansion
1000 signatures against expansion
HNP has applied for boundary change several times and been turned down
If you pass this resolution the city council will be more likely to approve Community Boundary change.
HMP has an alternate 22 acres across the park they can use instead.
Before you reconsider the plan ask yourself does it benefit the living people and visitors.
Jay Morford, 41000 family's interned "We Listened to the community with true diligence and a caring heart."
Al chock, Pohinani resident. "Hawaii is a very small island, not Texas, main concern is flooding. Don't hold Heiau as hostage to this plan."
Smith, vanity Rae, gold star daughter in favor of expansion.
Rocky Kahahiwa, my family has been in Kaneohe for two hundred years, they gave to the vets, is important to them.
Reso is tabled due to lack of time per Mo
Mahealani asked for field trip to HMP, Mo likes the idea, sunshine law questions. Will have to establish a Public Information Group.
Motion to support and Emergency Preparedness presentation at the Windward Hoolaulea approved.
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