Mitch Rosen, a member of the board of Directors of Haiku Gardens, brought up another safety concern in regards to the exit of the the parking lot of one of the complexes to Haiku Rd. Mr. Rosen provided pictures to show that the way Haiku Rd curves at this exit, coupled with the parking on the street as well as a large telephone pole that blocks visibility to oncoming traffic makes coming out extremely difficult. Residents have reported that cars tend to speed up on this street so this couples the complexity of the safety hazard. Given that this is a complex with up to 200 vehicles entering and leaving every day the community would like to see some form of solution to address this. Suggestions have been speed bumps before this driveway to slow oncoming traffic, concave mirrors opposite the driveway to help ensure visibility, and pushing back the parking in front of these driveways so as to unobstruct the view. Mr. Rosen also mentioned that the board has been 3rd of 4th stop to try to get some action on this item. The board will have our committee member responsible for the transportation and a representative of this community try to reach out to her contacts about what options are possible, and then next meeting we will discuss about putting together and action group of some form with the intent of hopefully writing a resolution.
On some positive news the board was thrilled to be able to give out an award to acknowledge the hard work of Bill Dixon who in the past has done exceptional work on his community outreach for the Kaneohe Neighborhood Board by really rejuvenating our blog and aiding us in getting information to residents before minutes went through the process of being approved and published.
Next month will be an exciting meeting. We have representatives on both sides of the issue of the Constitutional Amendment on taxing investment properties to bring in more money for schools coming to speak to the board and the community on their stances. Please think of attending to get the information on this important question being asked this coming election. The next meeting will be October 18th at 7PM in our usual location, the cafeteria of Ben Parker Elementary School. Also there is a scheduled community planning meeting for Hawaii Memorial Park which will be held on October 3rd, 7PM at the Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club (46-005 Kawa St. #104, Kaneohe, HI 96744). If this is something you are interested in please think of coming and lending your voice to this as well.
Hi my name is trenton Oshiro. I have lived in Kaneohe all my life but I recently decided to try and get more involved in my community of Kaneohe. I’m curious what is the best way to start to get involved? I’m on a business trip From oct 16-18th so I will try and make the board meeting on Oct 18, but is there anything else to get started before that meeting? Also do I need to prepare anything for the board meeting? (Sorry so new to all this)
Hi Trenton, Great that you'd like to be involved. There are really no pre-requisites needed to attend and start the process of getting involved. Please join us and introduce your self before the meeting so I can have the pleasure of meeting you in person.
Good for you - getting involved!
Mo Radke, Chair
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