A message from Save Our Neighborhoods
Dear SONnies and Friends of O'ahu's residential
Please forward this important
call to everyone in your email list
at this important Council Meeting:
Wednesday, Nov 1 10:00 am
Council Chambers Honolulu Hale (these
resolutions are well down the agenda, so you should be safe arriving
at 1:30 which is the end of the scheduled lunch recess)
Last week, the Honolulu City Council
Committee on Zoning kicked the can down the road to
the full council by passing ALL FOUR STR (Short-Term Rental) resolutions
to this Wednesday's meeting.
Many of you submitted testimony and testified in-person at the Zoning
Committee meeting - thanks very much. Many of you did not.
The 9,000 + illegal STRs are not only a blight on neighborhood life,
STRs are one of the major causes of high rents and
homelessness for the working poor.
These bills are the showdown for our neighborhoods and housing for everyone
living O'ahu. For a quick estimate of how many short-term rentals
(STR) are in your neighborhood, click airdna.com and type in your 5-digit zip
code. Then scout around other O'ahu zip codes and you will see that there
are THOUSANDS more. This site
may not be 100% accurate but also does not cover all hosting platforms - many
operators are not listed on the major hosting platforms and are not shown.
Remember, most of these are ILLEGAL
under Honolulu zoning law and are removing much-needed rental housing from local
There are two forces at work here; 1) Those trying to turn our residential
neighborhoods into mini-hotels. They will be supporting 163 and 301. They include
current-illegal operators, those providing services to illegal operators or
otherwise making $$ from them, and their political backers who have
friends/supporters in this industry, and 2) Those of us working to
preserve/return residential-zoned housing for O'ahu's families and insisting
that the City enforce the existing law forbidding short-term rentals.
We support 052 & 164.
17-052 CD-1 (Menor - our favorite Reso)
- Changes the basis of the existing law from "provide" (a Short-term rental) to "offer", which will allow advertising to be used as proof.
- Allows neighbor to go to state court to force the DPP to enforce the law against illegal vacation rentals
- Fine proceeds to go to the DPP for enforcement
- Makes DPP’s records on enforcement open to public scrutiny
- Allow neighbor to directly sue the offending STR operator
- Requires hosting platforms to report STR property information to the DPP
17-163 (Martin - permitting - boo)
Adds a permitting process for new TVRs
No neighbor community input in permitting process
No specified limits on # of permits.
Holds owner responsible for advertising content, which cannot be enforced without major investigation effort
- Adds Enforcement techniques untried and unlikely to work
17-164 (Martin - enforcement only)
- Stricter rules for advertising
- Makes it easier for City to collect fines and liens against offenders
- Could be a good starting point for discussion.
- Some enforcement measures
17-301 (Anderson - permitting - boo)
- No community input.
- Would turn R5 neighborhoods into resorts without proper rezoning. Would work against long-term rentals and affordable housing. Also would work against the ADU bills just passed by the city.
- Who would enforce to ensure that the owner actually lives there and is on site full-time?
- Forcing people to have to file police complaints means they have to take time off of work to go to court. Puts additional burden on the police and takes them away from investigating serious crime.
This is the last step in the Council. Resolutions passed will be
transmitted to the Honolulu Planning Commission and then back to the Council in
bill form for final consideration and then to the mayor for signing into
The main problem with enforcement has been lack of political willpower on
the part of administration/corporation counsel/DPP over the past 20 years of the
Internet. For example, in a recent letter from the mayor to a neighborhood
board member, Caldwell writes: "As you may know, the
public is currently divided on whether short term rentals in stable residential
neighborhoods is a good idea." This is just not
true. Over the past 10 years, public opinion has
swayed the Council and the Legislature in numerous showdowns that the
residential public is adamantly opposed to this invasion of our residential
neighborhoods, loss of housing, disruption, and the constant flow of
overnight strangers.
Even if you do not sign up in advance or at the meeting, you can still testify after all the registered speakers
For the past 12 years, SONHawai'i has been pushing the city to enforce the
land use laws to shut down these illegal hotel operations in our residential
neighborhoods. SONHawai'i's and the residential public's position is
reasonable and clear:
That means shutting down the thousands of currently-illegal operations and
putting the horse back in front of the cart. Two of these resolutions
(052 & 164) will help
make that possible.
One minute PER Agenda item - 4 min total.
Please also right
now Submit the testimony form and add your own
comments. This does not have to be word-for-word the same testimony that you
give in person at the meeting. Remember, there are FOUR items to submit testimony, so
submit the form FOUR times, once for
17-052 (SUPPORT), once for 17-163 (OPPOSE), once for 17-164 (SUPPORT and add
comment to combine with 052) and lastly for 17-301 (OPPOSE). The link to
the testimony form is: http://www.honolulu.gov/ccl-testimony-form.html which
is sometimes slow to load - after you 'submit' for one item, hit the
< (back button) to return to the previous page, change the reso number,
fill the form again then click 'submit' again.
Some of last week's testimonies submitted
through the above portal did not get posted on
the Council website!
So, to make sure that all nine councilmembers
see your written testimony, send them all an email of your testimony by pasting
all the following addresses in the "to" line of your email:
emartin@honolulu.gov; kmpine@honolulu.gov;
ianderson@honolulu.gov; tozawa@honolulu.gov; akobayashi@honolulu.gov;
cafukunaga@honolulu.gov; jmanahan@honolulu.gov; belefante@honolulu.gov; rmenor@honolulu.gov Submit right away so that councilmembers will see it in time!
cafukunaga@honolulu.gov; jmanahan@honolulu.gov; belefante@honolulu.gov; rmenor@honolulu.gov Submit right away so that councilmembers will see it in time!
Please forward this important
call to everyone in your email list. Include associations,
housing & homelessness advocates, social organizations and
neighborhood groups – this affects us all.
We have prevailed each time in the past, but
it takes some effort - especially YOUR effort
Please, help right now to Save O’ahu’s
Larry Bartley,
Executive Director
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